Monday, August 21, 2017

50 Important English Idiomatic Words with their meaning

List of Important English Idiomatic Words Denoting Comparisons (Similes) along with their meanings in Hindi.

No.English Words (अंग्रेजी शब्द)Meanings in Hindi (हिन्दी में अर्थ)
1.As black as coalइतना काला जितना कोयला
2.As blind as a batइतना अन्धा जितना चमगादड़
3.As busy as a beeइतना व्यस्त जितनी मधुमक्खी
4.As changeable as the weathercockइतना ​परिवर्तनशील जितनी हवा का रूख बताने वाली पंखी
5.As clear as crystalइतना साफ जितना बिल्लौर
6.As cold as marbleइतना ठंडा जितना संगमरमर
7.As cunning as a foxइतना मक्कार ​जितनी लोमड़ी
8.As dark as a pitchऐसा अन्धेरा जैसा तारकोल
9.As deaf as a postऐसा बहरा जैसा खम्बा dry as dustइतना सूखा जितनी धूल
11.As drunk as a lordऐसा मदमस्त जैसा नवाब
12.As dumb as a statueइतना गूंगा जितना बुत
13.As fresh as a roseइतना ताजा जितना गुलाब
14.As gay as a larkइतना प्रसन्न जितना लवा पक्षी
15.As gaudy as a butterflyइतनी तड़क-भड़कदार जितनी तितली
16.As gentle as a lambइतना शरीफ जितना मेमना
17.As greedy as a wolf or dogइतना लालची जितना भेड़िया या कुत्ता
18.As green as grassऐसा हरा जितनी घास
19.As happy as a kingइतना खुश जितना राजा
20.As harmless as a doveइतना मासूम जितना पेडुकी
21.As light as airइतना हल्का जितनी हवा
22.As loud as thunderऐसी ऊंची आवाज जैसी बिजली की गरज
23.As obstinate as a muleइतना जिद्दी जितना खच्चर
24.As old as the hillsइतना पुराना जितनी पहाड़ियां
25.As pale as a ghostइतना दर्द जितना भूत
26.As playful as a kittenइतना फुर्तीला जितना बिल्ली का बच्चा
27.As poor as a church mouseइतना गरीब जितना गिरजे का चूहा
28.As proud as a peacockइतना गर्वीला जितना मोर
29.As quick as lightningइतना तेज जितनी बिजली
30.As quick as thoughtइतना तेज जितना विचार
31.As red as a roseइतना लाल जितना गुलाब
32.As rich as a Jewइतना अमीर जितने यहूदी
33.As ripe as a cherryइतना पका हुआ जितना चेरी का फल
34.As round as a ballइतना गोल जितनी गेंद
35.As sharp as a razorइतना तेज जितना उस्तरा
36.As silent as the graveइतना शान्त जितनी कब्र
37.As silly as a sheepइतना मूर्ख जितनी भेड़
38.As slender as a threadइतना पतला जितना धागा
39.As smooth as oilइतना चिकना जितना तेल
40.As soft as butterइतना नरम जितना मक्खन
41.As steady as a rockइतना स्थिर जितनी चट्टान
42.As strong as a horseइतना शक्तिशाली जितना घोड़ा
43.As stupid as a donkeyइतना मूर्ख जितना गधा
44.As sure as deathऐसा निश्चित जैसी मृत्यु
45.As sweet as sugarइतना मीठा जितनी चीनी
46.As swift as an arrowइतना तेज जितना बाण
47.As tricky as a monkeyऐसा चालाक जैसा बंदर
48.As watchful as a hawkइतना सावधान जितना बाज
49.As white as snowइतना सफेद जितनी बर्फ
50.As wise as Solomonइतना बुद्धिमान जितना राजा सौलोमन
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