Friday, August 18, 2017

दुनिया भर में प्रसिद्ध भौगोलिक खोज

Famous Geographical Discoveries around the World - Complete List

A list of selected Famous Geographical Discoveries around the World is given below, in which fully information of Discovery and Discoverer is given. If you are preparing such exams in which General Knowledge is main, then study the Geographical Discoveries around the World study materials. For better reading it easily, Print it. 

AmericaChristopher Columbus
AustraliaJames Cook
BrazilPedro Alvarez Cabral
Cape of Good HopeBartholomeu Dias
Marco Polo
First person to set foot on MoonNeil Armstrong
GreenlandNorseman Eric
Hawaiian IslandCaptain James Cook
Hudson Bay
Henry Hudson
Lake TanganyikaRichard Francis Burton
Mount EverestEdmund Hillary
New FoundlandJohn Cabot
Niger riverMungo Park
North AmericaLeif Erricsson
North PoleRobert Peary
Sailed around The worldMagellan
Sea route to India via Cape of Good HopeVasco-da-Gama
Solar SystemCopernicus
South PoleAmondsen
Suez CanalFerdinand De Lesseps
Tasmania islandAbel Tasman
Victoria FallsDavid Livingston

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