Monday, August 21, 2017

Common Errors in English Sentences for Competitive Exams

                                     Common Errors in English Sentences

विभिन्न प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में Common Errors से संबंधित प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं। इसमें एक वाक्य (Sentence) तीन भागों में विभक्त होता है। इन तीन भागों में से किसी एक भाग में कुछ गलतियाँ रहती हैं। ये गलतियाँ Grammar तथा Structure से संबंधित होती हैं। वाक्य के किस भाग में गलतियाँ हैं, यही आपको ज्ञात करना होता है। यदि दिया गया वाक्य Grammar, Structure और Meaning तीनों की दृष्टिकोणों से सही हो, तो आपका उत्तर होगा 'No error'। यह सभी प्रश्न IBPS Bank (PO and Clerk), NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, LDC), MBA, Hotel Management, MCA, UPSC, BEd Exams आदि परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी साबित होगें।

Directions :
 Read the sentence given below to find out any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter (a), (b), (c) & (d) indicating that part is the answer. 

1. The President has denied (a) / that the economy is in recession (b) / or was go into one (c) / despite a spate of downcast reports. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : c)

2. Ashok is among the (a) / few people in the world (b) / which did not blindly follow (c) / the path of others. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : c)

3. Only after a lot of persuasion, (a) / did the illiterate villager allow (b) / himself’s girl child (c) / to study in the school. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : c)

4. If all goes well, (a) / the examination scheduled for next month (b) / is all set to be completely free (c) / from annoying power cuts and disruptions. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : e)

5. The reason behind his success (a) / in the recent past (b) / is due to hard-work (c) / and presence of mind. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : c)

6. None of the student (a) / in the class (b) / scored below the (c) / given cut-off marks. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : a)

7. The buzz at the party was (a) / that a famous (b) / filmstar and politician, would (c) / probable drop by for a while. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : d)

8. The need for alternate (a) / sources of energy are (b) / essential to conserve (c) / the environment. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : b)

9. Most people like to (a) / rest after a day’s hard work (b) / but he seemed to have (c) / an inexhaustive supply of energy. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : c)

10. His comments came after (a) / the research group said that its (b) / consumer confidence index were (c) / slumped to its lowest level. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : c)

11. As the salary (a) / did not match (b) / his expectations, he did not (c) / accept the job. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : b)

12. To be a king and (a) / wear a crown are (b) / more glamorous to (c) / see than to bear. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : b)

13. The merchant counted (a) / the number of pearls (b) / to make sure that (c) / none of them were missing. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : d)

14. My elder sister and I am (a) / interested in painting (b) / and therefore have joined (c) / the coaching classes. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : a)

15. The angry at being (a) / left out of the bonanza (b) / is palpable among (c) / employees of the organization. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : a)

16. Aggression in some teenage boys (a) / may be linkage to overly (b) / large glands in their brains, (c) / a new study has found. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : b)

17. There are just too few trains (a) / for the ever-grow (b) / number of passengers (c) / in the city. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : b)

18. No sooner did the students (a) / seen the principal approach (b) / than they ran (c) / from the playground. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : b)

19. Ancient artefacts are (a) / a part of global heritage (b) / and should not be (c) / sold to the highest bidder. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : e)

20. When deep sea diving, (a) / one should always take care (b) / that oxygen cylinder is (c) / tied to the back tightly. (d) No error (e)
(Ans : a) 

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