Monday, August 21, 2017

SIDBI Assistant Manager Previous Papers and Solved Question Papers

SIDBI Assistant Manager Exam of the year 2016 held on dated 24 January, 2016. We are giving 40 questions of English Language of this exam with answers. 

English Language Solved Questions Paper—
Directions-(Q. 1-5) : The sentence has two blanks, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words/group of words for the blanks which best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 

1. Increase in sugar levels in the blood ……… the behaviour of blood vessels making them contract more which could ……… the risk of acquiring cardiacid diseases. 
(A) cause, heighten (B) revise, rise (C) change, increase (D) alter, enhanced (E) misfits, surge (Ans :C)

2. ……… buying a home, you should ensure that it is constructed ……… 
(A) Prior, perfectly (B) Because, righty (C) Before, well (D) While, pleasant (E) Since, really (Ans : A) 3. ……… you only very humans or primitives could forge and use fossil ………
(A) In case, since (B) Surprise, that (C) When, over (D) Given, more (E) While, twice (Ans : B)

4. Many indoor sports ……… infrastructure ……… chess desert. 
(A) demands, where (B) lack, still (C) require, but (D) results, which (E) virtual, their (Ans : C)

5. On an ……… cops issue 1,500 challans every day ……… this number dropped by about 40% on Tuesday. 
(A) overall, however (B) visual, still (C) angle, yet (D) in, then (E) average, but (Ans : E)

Directions (Q. 6-10) : Rear-range the given six sentences/group of sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in a proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the given question– 
(1) It is ideal for recipients of non- municipally treated water due to heavy contamination of raw, untreated water. 
(2) Moreover, because this process must be repeated several times to ensure significant water purity, it could take several hours to provide one gallon of cleansed water. 
(3) Apart from desalinating water, the distillation process reliably removes bacteria, viruses and dangerous heavy metals like lead, arsenic and mercury. 
(4) However, the distillation process contains several elements that make it undesirable for purifying drinking water. 
(5) Owing to this unavailability of treated water, distillation is often used as the preferred method of water treatment in developing nations. 
(6) First of all, it does not remove synthetic chemical which are major contaminants remaining even after municipal treatment. 

6. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement? 
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 6 (E) 4 (Ans : E)

7. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement? 
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 4 (E) 6 (Ans : E)

8. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement? 
(A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 5 (E) 4 (Ans : A)

9. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement? 
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 5 (D) 4 (E) 3 (Ans : B)

10. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (last) sentence after the rearrangement? 
(A) 5 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 3 (E) 6 (Ans : B)

Directions-(Q. 11-15) : Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (E) as the answer. 

11. The poor Brahmin led a hand to mouthful existence and could use any job which paid him a little. 
(A) handful to mouthful existence (B) hand to mouth existence (C) handing for mouthful existing 
(D) hand and mouth exist (E) No correction required (Ans : B)

12. In order to earning decent living we need to have a good job which pays a substantial amount of money. 
(A) earned decency life (B) earning decency live (C) earn a decent living (D) earned decently life (E) No correction required (Ans : C)

13. On a cold day, I like to be served piping hot soup. 
(A) served piping hotter (B) serving pipe hot (C) served piping hot (D) serve pipe hotten (E) No correction required (Ans : C)

14. Akshay considered Suresh a complete pain in the neck asbother, an annoyance as he kept asking baseless questions. 
(A) paining in the neck (B) painless neck (C) painful necks (D) pain in necking (E) No correction required (Ans : E)

15. I jump through hoop to finish this project in time but was not rewarded adequately. 
(A) jumped through hoops (B) jumping for hooping (C) jumped on hoop 
(D) jumping from hoop (E) No correction required (Ans : A)

Directions (Q. 16-25) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. 

The main idea conveyed by the report is that our children do not get a chance to enjoy learning at school because the syllabi are irrationally organised, teaching text-book and the system of examination instils fear and encourages mechanical repetition. Text books developed along the lines of reconceptualised syllabi can attempt to integrate positive values, life skills, aesthetic sensibility and concern for the environment. They are interactive and make a conscious effort to point both children and the teachers towards other sources of learning such as neighbourhood, nature etc. In addition two parallel challenges deserve attention. The first is examination reforms. Rigid indifference to individual differences is the major flaw of the present system. From the quality of questions to the manner of evaluation, it favours drilled preparedness and ignores independent thought while the unrealistically high cut-offs in coveted colleges are a further sign of systematic efficiency. It is hardly surprising that the very thought of examinations makes the young depressed. Moreover, practices of splitting unified topics into arbitrary bits carrying small marks value encourage teachers to concentrate on scoring topics overlooking the importance of perspective and overall understanding. Little surprise that many elite high-fee schools are opting for International Baccalaureate not because it offers status with its global certification but for its flexibility and respect for inividual differences in learning. 

The second area is teacher training, which suffers from obsolete notions. Most teachers are trained mainly to cover the syllabus in a mechanical exam-oriented manner. By insisting that every child moves at the same pace in all subjects teachers, encourage rote learning and ridicule for those who fall behind. Teacher training, whether for nursery or secondary school teachers, should be embedded in courses which have the capacity to develop both the teacher's personality and perspective on society by linking subject learning with reflective and creative project work. The ultimate responsibility lies with universities and institutes of high learning to ensure the quality of all teachers. Initiatives to improve the content of teacher training courses will ensure utilisation of desolate university campuses during summer vacations which conceal an enormous waste of infrastructure and expertise. The quality of education is a reflection of the quality of teachers and major improvement in their training and working conditions will motivate the young to pursue a teaching career and determine how India fares in the pursuit of economic and social development in the years to come. 

16. According to the author, what is the major weakness of the present examination system ? 
(A) Teachers do not take into account the nature of questions asked in the examination 
(B) Teachers are subjective in their assessment of papers 
(C) Cut-off standards for admissions to good institutions need to be raised 
(D) It distinguishes between a creative student and a rote learner 
(E) It does not consider unique learning patterns of students (Ans : E)

17. Which of the following factors is responsible for children's dislike of learning? 
1. Rigid, local, systematic organisation of syllabus. 
2. Teaching methodology which does not focus on text books. 
3. Examination pattern which rewards rote learning. 
(A) Only (1) (B) Both (1) and (2) (C) Only (3) (D) All (1), (2) and (3) (E) Both (1) and (3) (Ans : E)

18. Choose the word which is most nearly the Same in meaning to the word 'Coveted' given in bold as used in the passage. 
(A) Decried (B) Priceless (C) Necessary (D) Yearn to posses something, special, exclusive. (E) Valid (Ans : D)

19. Which of the following is. NOT true in context of the passage? 
(A) Examinations arouse negative emotions in students 
(B) Weak students are at a disadvantage if teachers force students to learn at same speed. 
(C) Holding teacher training courses only during the academic year will help teachers cover the syllabus in an exam-oriented manner 
(D) The responsibility for improving the quality of teachers lies in the hands of universities 
(E) In the present educational system rote learning is encouraged (Ans : C)

20. According to the author, which of the following conditions will influence India's future development? 
1. Replacing traditional educational systems with globally accepted foreign systems. 
2. Improving employment conditions of teaching staff. 
3. Getting global accreditation for Indian college courses. 
(A) Only (1) (B) Both (1) and (2) (C) Both (2) and (3) (D) Only (2) (E) Other than those given as Options (Ans : B)

21. Choose the word which is most Opposite in meaning to the word Desolate given in the bold as used in the passage. 
(A) Happy (B) Occupied (C) Dejected (D) Repaired (E) Cheerful (Ans : B)

22. What is the author's recommendation to universities? 
(A) Encourage only creative project work for primary school teachers 
(B) Enforce strict rules so that only those truely interested take up teaching as a profession 
(C) Utilise their infrastructure during the academic year for teacher training 
(D) Pass on responsibility for improving teacher training content to a government body 
(E) Other than those given as options (Ans : E)

23. Choose the word which is most Opposite in meaning to the word Obsolete given in bold as used in the passage. 
(A) Stylish (B) Fashion (C) Present (D) Useless (E) Novel (Ans : C)

24. Why do teachers focus on 'scoring' topics? 
(A) Pressure from colleges who want to maintain high cut-offs (B) Faulty examination pattern which divides topics into smaller sections 
(C) It is an objective of teacher training programmes (D) To reduce the nervousness of students curing examinations 
(E) Other than those given as options (Ans : B)

25. Choose the word which is most nearly the Same in meaning to the word Instils given in bold as used in the passage. 
(A) Teach (B) Causes (C) Orders (D) Inserts (E) Invites (Ans : D)

Directions (Q. 26-30) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, any, will be in one part of the sentence. If there is no error, the answer is (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any). 

26. In cities people don't / always have the time to / catch up with old friends or / spend times with their family. 
(A) In cities people don't (B) always have the time to (C) catch up with old friends or 
(D) spend times with their family (E) No error (Ans : D)

27. The band have been / performing at many cause oriented concerts / to encourage people to come forward and / lend their support to the noble cause. 
(A) The band have been (B) performing at many cause oriented concerts 
(C) to encourage people to come forward and (D) lend their support to the noble cause (E) no error (Ans : A)

28. As market leaders, / we have always been at / the forefront of creating awareness between the public. 
(A) As market leaders (B) we have always been at 
(C) the forefront of creating awareness (D) between the Public (E) No error (Ans : D)

29. If the IPL has succeeded in drawing / an audience across the country, it is because / cricket has always had a strong foundation / and a dedicated audience. 
(A) If the IPL has succeeded in drawing (B) an audience across the country, it is because 
(C) cricket has always had a strong foundation (D) and a dedicated audience. (E) No error (Ans : E)

30. In view of the intense cold wave conditions / prevailing in the state, the government declared / holidays in all the school/for a period of ten days. 
(A) In view of the intense cold wave conditions (B) prevailing in the state, the government declared 
(C) holidays in all the schools (D) for a period of ten days (E) no error (Ans : C)

Directions (Q. 31-40) : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. 

In our system, a vast gap …(31)… the life children lead at school from what they experience outside. The space where they are …(32)… to learn about life is so far removed from …(33)… that we might as well ask …(34)… to buy space suits for their little ones, instead of school uniforms …(35)… they read, listen to and copy from the blackboard is so meticulously deodorised and …(36)… that it carries no resonance of experienced reality and …(37)… in life. The school day becomes a …(38)… of didactic songs and memorised information. Special …(39)… are marked by elaborate acts of sycophancy and preaching. School authorities …(40)… stop talking about values, but ignore the cynicism felt by the young over the high levels of chicanery and verbosity they find in adult talk. 

31. (A) occurs (B) bridges (C) separates (D) escapes (E) finds (Ans : C)

32. (A) about (B) worried (C) compelled (D) supposed (E) deprived (Ans : D)

33. (A) reality (B) school (C) fantasy (D) imagination (E) existence (Ans : A)

34. (A) teachers (B) principals (C) schools (D) coaching Classes (E) parents (Ans : E)

35. (A) When (B) How (C) What (D) Whether (E) Whenever (Ans : C)

36. (A) sanctified (B) written (C) emphasised (D) memorised (E) imbibed (Ans : C)

37. (A) demand (B) culture (C) miseries (D) joy (E) applicability (Ans : E)

38. (A) programme (B) ritiual (C) consult (D) tradition (E) stroe (Ans : B)

39. (A) persons (B) leaders (C) locations (D) occasions (E) indications (Ans : D)

40. (A) always (B) deliberately (C) seldom (D) relentlessly (E) invariably (Ans : C)

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