Monday, August 21, 2017

General English Questions asked in SSC Multitasking Non Technical

We are giving 50 questions with answers of GENERAL ENGLISH asked in SSC Multi-Tasking Staff Exam (Non Technical) Held on 17-2-2014 1st Sitting. These all questions will very helpful to you for the upcoming Multitasking competitive exams and will increase your intelligence skills
Directions ( 1-10) : In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error, your answer is (D) t.e., No error. 

1. I and him (A)/ are (B)/ very good friends. (C)/ No error (D). 
Ans : (A)
2. One should (A)/ look after (B)/ their parents. (C)/ No error (D). 
Ans : (C)
3. She placed (A)/ the offering (B)/ to God in the altar. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (C)
4. Teachers were instructed (A)/ to follow an uniform method (B)/ of evaluation. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (B)

Read More : Latest General English Question Paper with Answers

5. The newspapers they admit that (A)/ advertising sometimes (B)/ influences their editorial pol1cy. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (A)
6. No sooner did I finish (A)/ my speech, I was subjected (B)/ to a barrage of questions. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (A)
7. I saw him (A)/ coming out of the hotel (B)/ on 10 o'clock. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (C)
8. One of my friend (A) / is returning (B)/ to India from the U.S.A. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (A)
9. He knows (A)/ that your muscles (B)/ are not same as his. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (C)
10. We shall wait (A)/ till you (B)/ will finish your lunch. (C)/ No error. (D) 
Ans : (C)
Directions (11-20) : In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four. 

11. The new government. took .......... last year. 
(A) after (B) over 
(C) upon (D) out 

12. Mohan's career has taken some .......... twists and turns. 
(A) interesting (B) interactive 
(C) intuitive (D) incentive 

13. Sheila gained an advantage .......... me. 
(A) from (B) on 
(C) over (D) upon 

14. She was remarkably .......... in singing and dancing. 
(A) conducive (B) fluctuating 
(C) cooperative (D) accomplished 

15. It is raining .......... . Do not go out. 
(A) fast (B) soundly 
(C) strongly (D) heavily 

16. When she retired, she handed .......... the charge to the' Vice-President. 
(A) out (B) across 
(C) off (D) over 

17. Statistics .......... always my worst subject. 
(A) were (B) is (C) have (D) are 

18. The bus .......... fifty passengers fell .......... the river, 
(A) for; upon (B) over; on 
(C) of; at (D) with; into 

19. Take this medicine regularly and you will get rid .......... this disease. 
(A) from (B) of 
(C) over (D) at 

70. She tries to adjust .......... her relations. 
(A) at (B) so 
(C) with (D) for 

Directions (21-23) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 

21. Barbaric 
(A) Uncivilized (B) Premeditated 
(C) Barber's (D) Thorny 

22. Hurdle 
(A) Throw (B) Opposition 
(C) Obstacle (D) Suspicion 

23. Deter 
(A) To neglect (B) To disapprove 
(C) To differ (D) To hinder 

Directions (24-26) : In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 

24. Indolent 
(A) Diligent (B) Malevolent 
(C) Brilliant (D) Solvent 

25. Coherent 
(A) Disorganized (B) Inept 
(C) Carefree (D) Distorted 

26. Brutal 
(A) Humane (B) Fearless 
(C) Criminal (D) Adamant 

Directions (27-29) : In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase. 

27. The mother always insists on keeping the house spick and span
(A) locked (B) safe 
(C) tidy (D) open 

28. The man changed colours when I questioned him on the allocation of funds. 
(A) get numbed (B) turned happy
(C) got motivated (D) turned pale 

29. We cannot depend on him for this assignment as it needs careful handling and he is like a bull in a china shop. 
(A) a clumsy person (B) a tactful person 
(C) a no-nonsense person (D) a felicitous person 

Directions (30-34) : In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (D). 

30. Since she directing the play for quite some time, she knows the actors really well. 
(A) Since she has directed (B) Since she has been directing 
(C) Since she was directing (D) No improvement 

31. She is scrutinising hard for the final examination. 
(A) recollecting (B) recapitulating 
(C) revising (D) No improvement 

32. This is the late edition of the Shakespearean play which was originally published in 1603. 
(A) later (B) latest 
(C) latter (D) No improvement 

33. You can borrow my laptop as long as you promise not to misuse it. 
(A) only long as (B) too long as 
(C) so long as (D) No improvement 

34. On receiving his appointment letter, Ravi treated us with a sumptuous meal. 
(A) treated us to (B) treated us for 
(C) treated us by (D) No improvement 

Directions (35-39) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence. 

35. Exclusive possession or control of anything– 
(A) Monotheism (B) Monopoly 
(C) Monoism (D) Mono-mania 

36. One who is unable to pay one's debt– 
(A) Bankrupt (B) Bankroll 
(C) Extravagant (D) Borrower 

37. Instrument that magnifies objects– 
(A) Periscope (B) Stethoscope 
(C) Telescope (D) Microscope 

38. Animals which live in water– 
(A) Wild (B) Domestic 
(C) Aquatic (D) Barren 

39. The study of plant life– 
(A) Zoology (B) Botany 
(C) Geography (D) Geology 

Directions (40-45) : In the following questions, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. 

40. (A) calandar (B) colendar 
(C) calendar (D) calender 

41. (A) objectioneble (B) objecktionable 
(C) objectionablle (D) objectionable 

42. (A) appology (B) apalogy 
(C) apology (D) apollogy 

43. (A) excellence (B) excellencce 
(C) exillance (D) exellence 

44. (A) grammer (B) gramer 
(C) gramar (D) grammar 

45. (A) ommitted (B) omitted 
(C) omited (D) ommited 

Directions (46-50) : In the following questions, you have a passage with 5 questions. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. 
Long ago in Mongolia there lived an emperor who feared growing old. One day, he saw an old man in the street. Upset at being reminded that someday, he too, would age, he ordered all the old people to leave his land. 
One day, a violent storm swept the kingdom. Nothing was safe from its fury. It roared into the palace and blew away the emperor's belongings, including his priceless golden pitcher. When the storm ended, the emperor ordered that the pitcher be found and brought back to him. 
People went in search of the pitcher. They saw it in a lake nearby. But no matter who tried, no one could get a grip on the pitcher. All they got was a handful of water. Yet it could be plainly seen, glittering and just below the water's surface! 

46. The emperor was upset to see the old man because– 
(A) it reminded him that he might fall ill (B) it reminded him that he would grow old too 
(C) it reminded him that he had to colour his hair (D) it reminded him of his grandfather 

47. The people saw the golden pitcher– 
(A) in a lake nearby (B) in a pit nearby 
(C) inside the palace (D) in a river nearby 

48. The emperor's orders were that all the– 
(A) old men should leave his land (B) old men should live in his land 
(C) young men should stay in his land (D) children should leave his land 

49. What did the people who went to bring the pitcher get? 
(A) A handful of water (B) A handful of air 
(C) The pitcher's handle (D) Nothing at all 

50. The emperor feared– 
(A) getting young (B) getting weak 
(C) getting ill (D) getting old

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