Monday, August 21, 2017

SSC Multitasking MTS (Non Technical) General English Question Answers

We are giving 50 questions with answers of GENERAL ENGLISH asked in SSC Multi-Tasking Staff Exam (Non Technical) Held on 17-2-2014 2nd Sitting. These all questions will very helpful to you for the upcoming Multitasking competitive exams and will increase your intelligence skills. 

Directions (1-10) : In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If a sentence is free from error, then your answer is (D), i.e. No Error. 

1. Flowers (A)/ that are just picked (B)/ begins to rot is 15 seconds. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (C)
2. You haven't responded (A)/ to my invitation (B)/ didn't you? (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (C)
3. According to some estimates, (A)1 there are (B)/seven thousand type of plants. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (C)

Latest General English Question Paper with Answers
4. Every one (A)/ must sign their full names (B)/ before entering the hall. (C)/No Error (D) 
Ans : (D)
5. The Great Wall of China (A)/ is the one structure build by man (B)/ visible from the moon. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (B)
6. In the fourth semester (A)/ of the course, the (B)/ attendance fell down. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (C)
7. Some of his (A)/ luggages were lost (B)/ in the train. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (B)
8. No sooner the minister had heard (A)/ about the accident (B)/ than he rushed to the spot. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (A)
9. My nephew (A)/ begun working for me (B)/ about ten years ago. (C)/ No Error (D)
Ans : (B)
10. Prohibition aims at reducing (A)/ traffic accidents many of which (B)/ is caused by drunkenness. (C)/ No Error (D) 
Ans : (C)
Directions (11-20) : In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer. 

21. My tennis player is a .......... ; she will not play mixed doubles in shorts or a tennis skirt: she is overly concerned about being proper or modest. 
(A) admonish (B) prude (C) rude (D) loyal 

22. Sometimes it is good to ..........  your soul in front of your friends. 
(A) bear (B) bare (C) beer (D) bar 

23. If you are worried about the problem, you should do something .......... it. 
(A) against (B) with (C) for (D) about 

24. This is entirely .......... you and me. 
(A) between (B) from (C) among (D) amidst 

25. The mother parted .......... her married daughter in sorrow. 
(A) for (B) off (C) away (D) from 

26. This movie is directed by Steven Spielberg, .......... ? 
(A) hasn't he (B) hasn't it (C) isn't it (D) isn't he 

27. .......... can be no excuses this time, students! 
(A) They're (B) They (C) Their (D) There 

28. Tables are usually made .......... wood. 
(A) from (B) of (C) with (D) by 

29. All of them are surprised .......... her rudeness. 
(A) with (B) upon (C) at (D) on 

20. When Wilbur Wright tried to sell his flying machine to the U.S. Government, the officials in charge were .......... . 
(A) highly misunderstood (B) grudging skeptical (C) grudgingly unhappy (D) highly skeptical 

Directions (21-23) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer. 
21. Coarse 
(A) Path (B) Difficult (C) Rough (D) Definite 

22. Vanish 
(A) Disappear (B) Decrease (C) Encircle (D) Reveal 

23. Spurious 
(A) Modest (B) Spontaneous (C) Fake (D) Sincere 

Directions (24-26) : In the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word as your answer. 
24. Malice 
(A) Ecstasy (B) Happiness (C) Honour (D) Goodwill 

25. Genial 
(A) Stupid (B) Intelligent (C) Hostile (D) Affable 

26. Eminent 
(A) Renowned (B) Ordinary (C) Special (D) Ignorant 

Directions (27-29) : In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase as your answer. 

27. He made a few statements, but all were wide off the mark. 
(A) irrelevant (B) crucial (C) important (D) unreasonable 

28. The prices are going up by leaps and bounds. 
(A) gradually (B) irregularly (C) rapidly (D) systematically 

29. I did not give in to his request. 
(A) approve (B) like (C) permit (D) yield 

Directions (30-34) : In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A) (B), (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (D). 

30. He proved himself unique for he refused to go with the tide. 
(A) go in the tide (B) go against the tide (C) go by the tide (D) No improvement 

31. The building you are talking about is not existing. 
(A) have not been existing (B) does not exist (C) has not been existing. (D) No improvement 

32. His lecture was banned because of the bandh. 
(A) called off (B) disturbed (C) interrupted (D) No improvement 

33. Some people gamer new experiences after retirement. 
(A) episodes (B) events (C) happenings (D) No improvement 

34. The deaf man asked me to speak up. 
(A) speak in (B) speak into (C) speak down (D) No improvement 

Directions (35-39) : In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence. 

35. One who eats too much– 
(A) Glutton (B) Obese (C) Overweight (D) Greedy 

36. Existing only in the mind– 
(A) Imaginary (B) Fallacy (C) Gamble (D) Missionary 

37. Likely to arouse envy– 
(A) Enviable (B) Economical (C) Envious (D) Jealous

38. One who loves and supports his or her country and is willing to defend it. 
(A) A patriot (B) A martyr (C) An alien (D) An atheist 

39. The study of birds– 
(A) Zoology (B) Ornithology (C) Physiology (D) Anthropology 

Directions (40-45) : In the following questions, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word as your answer. 

40. (A) vagebond (B) vegabonde (C) vegabond (D) vagabond 

41. (A) manared (B) manerred (C) mannared (D) mannered 

42. (A) territory (B) territorry (C) territery (D) teritory 

43. (A) precausion (B) pricaution (C) precotion (D) precaution 

44. (A) determinasion (B) detirmmation (C) determination (D) detrmination 

45. (A) sensasion (B) sansassion (C) sansation (D) sensation 

Directions (46-50) : In the following questions, you have a passage with 5 questions. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each questions out of the four alternatives. 

The Prime Minister recommends the names of the persons for appointment as the members of the Council of Ministers by the President. He can recommend the name of any person for appointment as Minister. Of course he has to see the interests of his Ministry so that it works in a homogeneous manner. Any Minister who does not see eye to eye with the Prime Minister has to quit the Council of Ministers. 
The Prime Minister also advises the President on the allocation of portfolios to the members of his Council of Ministers. He can give any department to any Minister and thus keep a control over them. 
The Prime Minister can make any changes in the formation of his Ministry. He can shuffle his Ministry like a pack of cards as he likes. He can change the portfolios of his colleagues or reallocate the portfolios according to their performance. The Prime Minister presides over the meetings of the Cabinet. The President does not participate in these meetings. In the Cabinet all the important decisions are taken which are binding on all the Ministers. 

46. 'Homogeneous', in the passage means– 
(A) consisting of the same substance (B) fragmented (C) united (D) working independently 

47. The final control is in the hands of the– 
(A) Individual Minister (B) Council of Ministers (C) President (D) Prime Minister 

48. 'Colleagues', in the passage refers to– 
(A) Ministers (B) All the people working in the Prime Minister's office 
(C) The Prime Minister's friends (D) Co-workers 

49. Who recommends the names of the persons for appointment as Ministers? 
(A) Prime Minister (B) Speaker (C) President (D) Cabinet Secretary 

50. What happens if the Prime Minister and the Minister have a disagreement? 
(A) The President dismisses the Government (B) The Cabinet resigns 
(C) The Prime Minister resigns (D) The Minister quits

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